Veratrum Album For Insanity

youngIt’s long been known that homeopathy is extremely effective on both the very young and the elderly alike, and I have read case histories aplenty regarding homeopathy curing addiction, sexual disorders, violent tenancies, anorexia, autism, narcissism, and so on. It is safe to say that if a condition exists, it must have a similar and therefore, if a condition exists, there must be a homeopathic remedy somewhere out there to cure it.

vetMy husband Jimmie is an avid reader/studier, and has just given me a fascinating clinical tip about Veratrum Album. According to Dr. Hahnemann, M.D., on the condition of insanity, he says it promotes a cure of almost one-third of the insane in lunatic asylums.

I have long wanted to see homeopathy used not only for behavior problems and learning disabilities in children, but in the prisons, mental hospitals, addiction facilities, and of course hospitals and clinics, for every manor of disease- mental, emotional, physical.

gamFunny enough I recently blogged about a man with a serious gambling addiction which was ruining his life, marriage, finances, etc, and with just one dose of Veratrum Album 200c, the man reportedly barely thought about gambling again.                                                                     think 

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The Pendulist

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