In Answer To Your Questions
Every so often I use your internet search terms to answer many of the
health questions you all have. This keeps me on my toes and up to date on the latest information and alternative health ‘best practices’, and gives you the information you have been looking for!
Cell salts for foot fungus– cell salts are equilibrium remedies used to balance excess and deficiency, but in this case is not the remedy. I suggest;
- Disinfect inside shoes with baking soda.
- Make a remedy water of Sai Sanjeevini anti-fungal patterns sip frequently during the day.
- Drink a few drops of oregano oil in a little orange juice daily. This kills the fungus from the inside.
- Soak feet in cinnamon and water- cinnamon slows the growth of fungus. You may also soak in vinegar and tea tree oil water.
- Wear open shoes as much as possible and keep feet dry.
- Eat lots of garlic- it has wonderful anti-fungal properties.
Jani Schofield– Jani Schofield and her brother Bodhi, are indeed the most popular subjects I receive inquiries about. Jani is one of the youngest schizophrenic children ever diagnosed, and her brother Bodhi, who is autistic, may also suffer from schizophrenia. I, like a lot of the rest of the world, have fallen in love with this young lady, and try to keep tabs on her progress. From what I read, she is progressing well in a loving and nurturing environment, goes to school several times a week, and is still on medication.
Cinnamon bad breath– Actually, a teaspoon a honey sprinkled with cinnamon will freshen your mouth and help combat bad breath for hours! That is one of many many fantastic honey and cinnamon cures.
Who got medically hexed– a man who died 15 minutes after accidentally being given his last rites, was medically hexed. Angelina Jolie was medically hexed because she had both breasts removed in anticipation of cancer. Now who does that?
What is ‘3 day heroin rule‘- I am often asked about this and give the answer with mixed emotions. while in no way do I condone it’s use, I see the ‘3 day heroin rule’ as a way for the heroin user to regulate his use, and avoid sickness or addiction, which is clearly harm reduction. The 3 day heroin rule says never use for more than 3 days in a row, to avoid addiction, but that has been updated to an even surer method of not being sick and not getting addicted called the 8/72 rule- you can use up to 8 hours in any 72 hour period. This translates into using just twice a week (for 8 hours each
time) so if you keep your dose reasonably low, you will never get sick and should have a high level of function ability. And yes, the 8/72 rule works, if you can stick to the program that is.