Carbo Animalis The Metaphysical Way

Last week I dowsed for the homeopathic remedy that would best fit my current condition (what ever my higher self decides is my ‘current condition’) and my pendulum chose carbo animalis, a remedy used to open the micro veins, and it turns out that I do have leg cramps caused by ‘little veins’. The diagnosis was based on how many pounds of pressure my calves could take and was measured by my chiropractor about 3 weeks ago. So last week after dowsing for caro animalis, it’s dose, and frequency, I immediately began to ‘realize’ my remedy by writing it down on a small piece of white paper in CAPITALS and in black ink, dipping it into salt water and then drying. Now I take the paper and put it in the middle of the decagon which is facing north, with plenty of light, and place a crystal glass of water on top of the remedy paper to potentize. I try to wait 12 hours, but 2 usually does it.

And now I have been on the remedy for about 4 days, with 8 to go. I have an appointment with Dr. Annie a week from today and by then will have finished taking carbo animalis for 12 days, at the 10x dose. How can I gauge the success of this remedy? By asking Dr. Annie to re-measure the pressure I can withstand in my calves which I plan to do. If there a measurable change in the pressure I can handle in my calves, then that would indicate that my little veins are in better health. It would also indicate that carbo animalis was the correct remedy pick, and also that I fully potentized the remedy sheerly from my intentions. Let’s see what my appointment brings next week or if I have any legs cramps this week…

FYI, I had leg cramps twice- both under emotional circumstances (which apparently make the bool vessels constrict) but I still continued the carbo animalis for 12 days.

It is now next week, and I have just come from my appointment with Dr. Annie.I asked her to measure the pressure in my calves, anxious to know the outcome. After puff puff puff with the blood pressure cuff on each side, I measured 210 on the left and 203 on the right.  This is a significantly better than the 120 on the left and 150 on the right I measured just 3 weeks ago- a lot of pathological change, and Dr. Annie wanted to know what I did. I’ll tell you what I did- without leaving the house or spending a penny, and without consulting a doctor, I asked my higher self to select a remedy that would benefit me.  Carbo animalis was chosen which addresses small veins, such as it had been previously determined I have.  I potentized the remedy with water, salt, a decagon and my good intentions, and took the remedy for 12 days.  The difference in the pressure my calves could withstand was measurably improved, verifying that the remedy worked and so did my potentizing!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, if any needs dowsing charts I have a ton that I will happily share – just send me a note in ‘comments’.

11 thoughts on “Carbo Animalis The Metaphysical Way

  1. chuck

    Love your site and all about it…think you do a tremendous service needed by so many today.
    Would you be so kind as to share your dowsing charts with me, a humble student, consumed with a need to practice.
    With heartfelt appreciation…


    1. The Pendulist
      The Pendulist says:

      I sent several charts to your email–

  2. Mac

    Hi Madeleine,
    Hope you will be fine.

    I just read your article and found it informative. I just started to get involved with Pendulum and wish to work on with it in the field of homeopathy.

    I will be glad if you share the charts available with you.



    1. The Pendulist
      The Pendulist says:

      let me know what charts you want- you can go to the internet and download anything you like. type in ‘dowsing charts’ or ‘dowsing wheels’ and many will come up. If you cant find what you need, let me know


      1. Mac

        Thanks for introducing to the term “dowsing wheels”. I will check it too on google. I am studying homeopathy and finding ways to diagnose the health issues and prescribing the matching remedies.
        It would be beneficial for me if you share only those charts which you find very helpfull (Your tested and abd are on your top list for health, treatment and finding blockage)
        Further, can you judge wether I have the ability to use pendulum or not.

        Rehan Ahmad

        1. The Pendulist
          The Pendulist says:

          Hello- I normally use a standard dowsing wheel (chart) with numbers on it- and yes and no, etc. I also sue a blank and fill in the categories I may want to dowse for. Anyone can dowse. Some may feel more natural with it at first, than others.
          For instance if you are trying to find out with system of the body may have a blockage, you can make a dowsing wheel from a blank with, say, heart, lungs, velles, limbs, head, etc, to find where the blockage is. That is an example. go for more charts and great info

        2. The Pendulist
          The Pendulist says:

          also- i use a standard dowsing chart with numbers, and lists of remedies, the I dowse for the number of the remedy that would most benefit ————- whatever you are dowsing for. then after being shown the number, I match the number to the list. I usually give a read about the remedy to see the connect and always feel my select was spot on. You can do the same with a list of Bach flower remedies.

  3. Rashmi

    Hi this is an old article but thought I wd take a chance on commenting here
    Great article – fairly new dowser would appreciate if u could email me some charts pls – thank you

    1. The Pendulist
      The Pendulist says:

      check your email- I sent over several dowsing charts

  4. Mac

    Hi Madeleine, could you please share dowsing charts with me also. I will be obliged.

    1. The Pendulist
      The Pendulist says:

      check your email- I just sent some over

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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