Credit To The Sai Sanjeevini Team

SSC #8, is the Sai Sanjeevini combination for high blood pressure, a sample of which I keep made up in the form of sugar pellets in a labeled amber bottle.

bpI have mentioned getting my own blood pressure under control- me, from a family of women who are all on high blood pressure meds. And my BP was up there at 148/90 sometimes- a good candidate for meds myself. Yet my last BP reading was 117/76. I check my BP using the blood pressure machine at the pharmacy, and take the middle number out of 3 readings, to be fair and accurate. I owe the reduction in pressure solely to my Sai Sanjeevini remedy, which I make sure to take every morning.

Jimmie has been doing the same as far as tracking his BP- he takes the middle number from 3 readings. Although his blood pressure, which went up alarmingly and out of the blue, has comedown considerably, I was not completely satisfied with his reading last month. He was not coolerquite as diligent as I about taking his Sanjeevinis. So I decided to step it up by adding SSC #8 into our water cooler. Since it is just Hubby and me at home and we both can benefit from SSC #8, why not charge up our water before emptying it into the cooler? So I did just that. I often cook with this water as well- that means every bite of rice is a dose! And so it has been for 2 or more weeks- a little SSC #8 in his water, rice, almond milk, and green machine too!

Today Jimmie showed me the blood pressure reading he took yesterday- it was 117/70. Wow… Both of our blood pressures went from measurably off the charts, to almost identically normal. The only variable that changed in our lives was the introduction of the Sai Sanjeevini combo #8, on a frequent basis over a few weeks so let’s give credit where credit is due.

With so many other issues still on the front burner, I am happy to say that as far as both of our blood pressure goes,case1

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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