Natural Cures For Miscarriages

miscarraigeI recently received a question about the homeopathic remedy Sabina 6c, the reader wanting to know if it can be used for recurrent miscarriages. In the case of homeopathy, there may be many remedies covering the same symptoms, depending.  For instance, let us say you and I both have a sore throat. My sore throat is mainly on the left side, and occurred after receiving bad news and sleeping with the window open.  I need Lachesis.  Your sore throat may include pus sores, and stretches across your whole throat.  You may need Belladona. So to tell you what remedy to take for miscarriage totally depends on the details of the case.

People are spending tens of thousands, trying to get pregnant these days. The inability to conceive, or frequent miscarriages seem to be a problem in White middle class society (although not in the third worlds). Spontaneous abortions occur in approximately 25 percent of all pregnancies, with most happening in the first 12 weeks, but the term includes loss of pregnancy up to about 28 weeks, after which it is called a stillbirth. It is more likely – up to one third – in first time pregnancies, with most of these being caused by deformity of the developing egg or placenta.


Cervical incompetence: when the cervix dilates before full term.

Ectopic pregnancy: the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus – usually embedding itself in the fallopian tube. This requires immediate surgery.

Placental insufficiency: for some reason the placenta fails to provide the necessary nutrients for the fetus.

Pelvic abnormality: sometimes the pelvis is not the right shape or large enough to support a pregnancy.

Uterine fibroids: Common in older mothers and if present can interfere with the pregnancy.

Infections: this can even be from something as simple as poorly maintained mouth hygiene.

Glandular Disorders


High fevers, over 39*C/102*F in the crucial 3rd – 4th week stage, can result in miscarriage.

Waiting until after a woman is 30 does appear to increase the risk.This is especially true for women over 35, in their first pregnancy.


Threatened: where it is possible but not inevitable; vaginal bleeding, usually painless.

Inevitable: vaginal bleeding with uterine contractions, if the cervix dilates miscarriage is usually inevitable.

Complete; both the fetus and the placenta are expelled from the uterus.

Incomplete: some fetal tissue remains in the uterus and must be surgically

Missed miscarriage: the fetus has died and is still in the uterus. Usually expelled within a few days

Recurrent: a woman has had more than one miscarriage for different reasons at different stages of the pregnancy

Habitual: three or m ore miscarriages have occurred at similar times and possibly from the same causation

Induced (therapeutic termination): a pregnancy is medically induced when there is a major disorder incompatible with life outside the uterus, or the baby has a severe medical condition which would necessitate extreme medical endeavors to ensure the on going survival (which is not guaranteed) once delivered. Such abnormalities are often not detected until the second trimester, which necessitates the woman to undergo labor.

So – what can be done with natural remedies to decrease the chances of miscarriage? There are some excellent homeopathic medicines and several naturopathic suggestions.


Sabina – habitual impending miscarriage around the third month. You occasionally have low back ache, going from the back to the front, sometimes a shooting pain. You can’t bear to listen to music. Maybe headaches, some dizziness, a bitter taste in your mouth, signs of arthritis, some warts..

Cinnamonum – threatened miscarriage (bleeding) from a strain, perhaps to the loins or groin, with some pain. (also remember that honey and cinnamon is an age old cure for pregnancy issues)

Arnica – wonderful after a shock or trauma, you feel bruised and worried.

Secale – in early months, or around the third month, especially in women whose health is not very strong. You feel cold, but feel better from being cold.You are thirsty, maybe have a cracked tongue and feel hungry for acidic foods.

Viburnum Opulus – Sudden cramps and colicky pains. Frequent early miscarriages, with pain coming from the back around to lower part of the abdomen and into the thighs

Sepia – feeling of weight and heaviness in the lower abdomen. You want to lie down with your legs crossed. You feel disconnected. Maybe have had bad morning sickness.

Belladonna – threatened loss with profuse hot bleeding, backache and headache. Violent body aches.

Cimicifuga – pains fly across the abdomen, side to side and you want to double up. This remedy is useful for women who habitually miscarry and have some rheumatism.

Aconite- anger or nervous excitement causes a threatened loss.

Caulophyllum – false labor pains as well as a spontaneous abortion preventer. Severe pain in back and sides of abdomen, feeble uterine contractions, scanty flow of blood. History of pregnancy loss from weak uterine tone.

Pulsatilla – pains are changeable, with faintness and oppression of the chest. You feel sad and cry easily. Feel chilly but seek the fresh air. Not thirsty at all.


It has been found that increasing the intake of Vitamin C may help a woman carry a baby to term. Extra bioflavenoids are also required to increase the vitamins effectiveness.

Lack of vitiman E and folic acid are both linked to causing miscarriage so increasing these vitamin  will provide extra benefit.


While many herbal preparations can be beneficial to pregnant women, caution is required when taking any herb during the first trimester.

Herbs to be avoided are ; aloe vera (internally), angelica, arnica, barberry, black cohosh, bloodroot, cats claw, celendine, cottonwood bark, dong quai, ephedra, feverfew, ginseng, goldenseal, lobelia, myrrh, Oregon grape, pennyroyal, rue, sage, saw palmetto, tansy and tumeric.

***Many of these herbs are also used as homeopathic medicines, which because of the way they are prepared,  ARE suitable for use during pregnancy. It is the actual roots or plant herb substance that can cause problems.

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