Do You Experience Restless Legs During Detox?

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When I found this information from the Peace Health information library, I immediately thought about the restless legs of addicts detoxing and wanted to share these homeopathic remedies with you in hopes you will be able to avoid strong allopathic drugs, such as Gabapentin or Ropinirole.

The homeopathic remedy you choose will depend on what your personal and specific symptoms might be;

Arsenicum album

A person who needs this remedy feels simultaneously restless and exhausted, with feelings of weakness, heaviness, and trembling in the legs. Cramping and burning sensations may also be experienced. Anxiety and a feeling of insecurity may be pronounced. People who need this remedy are often deeply chilly and improved by warmth.

Rhus toxicodendron

Overwhelming restlessness that makes a person want to constantly change position, or get up and pace the room at night, suggests a need for this remedy. The person may feel extremely apprehensive when trying to fall asleep and be unable to stay in bed. A tendency toward stiffness and soreness in many joints and muscles—feeling better from both warmth and motion—is a strong indication for Rhus tox.

Zincum metallicum

This remedy relieves fidgety, restless legs, especially after drinking wine or spirits.

Aconitum napellus

If a person with restless leg syndrome is very anxious and tends to panic, this remedy may be soothing. Tingling or shooting pains are felt in the legs, and the nervous system is very agitated. The person may be unable to relax and fall asleep — or the sleep is distressing and full of fearful dreams.


This remedy can be helpful if a person has restless legs with sensations of burning and aching, and cramps in the calves and feet. Symptoms are worse in bed at night and often improve with warmth. People needing Causticum often have a tendency toward chronic problems with muscles and tendons, contractures, and muscle weakness. They are often very sensitive to other people’s feelings, and are prone to nervous stress.


This remedy is indicated for sensitive, nervous individuals with a tendency toward twitching and spasms in the muscles. The legs and arms often jerk as the person falls asleep, and sleep may be extremely light. The person may frequently sigh and yawn, or burst into tears or laughter unexpectedly. Problems brought on by grief or emotional stress often respond to this remedy.


A person who needs this remedy experiences a drawing feeling in the legs, with burning sensations and restlessness. The legs and feet may heat up during sleep, and the person may throw the covers off, or constantly move the legs to find a cooler spot. Jerking, twitching, and talking during sleep with frequent waking, are other indications for Sulphur.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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