Double Chloride Of Gold For Addiction

speakingI don’t want to speak too soon, but maybe there is something to this double chloride of gold.  For about 10 days now, I’ve been sending a continual broadcast of it to my daughter- sometimes it is the only way to reach someone who has an erratic life style. Thanks to Greg, one of my readers, for telling us about Dr. Keeley and the 13th cell salt, bi chloride of gold or double chloride of gold…I decided to test the stuff. I have carte blanche permission from my daughter to do any healing, dowsing, or transmitting I deem necessary, and share what I’m doing so she can give me feed back.

Greg also messaged me and said The 5 phos tissue salts will help with the desire for addictive substances, also nat mur for liver”. I took this to mean the 5th cell salt, kali phos. This did not surprise me as a pick for my daughter, who is a 5 (born on the 5th), so I added it to the broadcast. Further, checking Santo Bonacci’s syncranism chart, it shows kali phos and nat mur as the salts she is deficient in. There are no coincidences.

I use digital radionics software, that allows me to upload a photo (of my daughter), type in a wish, such as “Tissue salts of double chloride of gold, kali phos, and nat mur to Alison”, and there is also another area where you can add an amplifier (I use a decagon). Click to get the rate, and your broadcast begins.

You can use digital radionics to broadcast any wish you may have. When Alison was out there living on the edge and I was desperate to hear from her, I would broadcast the message “A.T. phone home”, and I always got my call.phonehme o

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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