The Dowsing Rubric
I recently submitted an answer to a homeopathy quiz offered on a website as a challenge to students. I did not use the traditional
rubric taught in homeopathy schools, which is a method of listing the symptoms and then scoring them- I dowsed for the remedy that would most benefit the patient mentioned in the quiz who had great thirst and painful menses, and came up with ‘Alumina’. I then read about Alumina and confirmed the symptoms were covered and satisfied myself that they were. I anxiously submitted my answer, of course wanting confirmation back that it was a good selection. At first the teacher did not acknowledge my pick as being good or bad, but she questioned my ‘rubric’ and went on to say that there were only 2 possibilities- Sulphur and Nat-mur. I humbly confided that I am a radiesthesia operator and do not use rubrics. I am guessing that both she and her students use homeopathy software to solve these brain teasers- computers with alga rhythms that are created as the computer is used again and again. Computer selection is accurate but sterile, and is always missing the intuitive or ‘gut feeling’ and ‘artful’ aspect.
I would like to give myself credit for being an excellent remedy dowser. My selections have always proven to be spot on. It appears to me, because of my unorthodox ways, this teacher is not going to give me as much as an inch when it comes to the Alumina. As a teacher, she was most concerned with my method of selection and wanted to see a rubric, and I as a dowser wanted confirmation that my remedy covered the symptoms. After much back and forth I got this…
“Whatever method you’re using to find remedies, and I’m not sure what it is, but, it sure didn’t help you solve this case. You might consider actually enrolling in a homeopathy school so you can learn homeopathy.”
Wow, she sounded a little miffed! She probably just spent the last 6-12 years studying homeopathy and then teaching it- not to mention what this education might have cost- and then someone like me waltzes in with no books or repertoirizing, using a pendulum not a computer software, and simply asks my intelligent higher self, the self that already knows everything in the universe, to make a remedy selection.
I just went back to the dowsing table to ask again.
- Does Alumina cover great thirst? Yes
- Does Alumina cover painful menses? Yes
- Is Alumina the remedy that will most benefit the patient in Elaine’s homeopathic quiz? Yes
Well done Madeleine, that reminds me of a story:
The Mullah Nazrudin went to the patent office to patent a magic wand.
“Sorry, we don’t patent impossible inventions here”, said the patent officer
“No problem”, said Nazrudin, who then twirled his magic wand, uttered a few words, and ‘poof’ the patent officer disappeared!
Greg x
that’s hilarious
Good thing you have done. These homeopathy school, just a another form of making money. They are not teaching their well.
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