Balancing The Fringe Life
“Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done” is a Facebook quote I just read, made by an extremely hardworking animal activist. It was inspiring. Whenever I hear someone saying “I’m bored” I could swat them. There is always something to read or learn, or help or do…our ‘works’ become our daily lives, and sleep is the luxury we indulge in after a long day of giving. If you are reading this, I would image you are a ‘fringe’ person in your own way, as am I.
Since our work is never done, it’s best to find a balance between ‘mainstream’ and ‘not’. First, we must, must make plenty of time for ourselves- we must fuel our fire. I’ll be going over personal survival ‘musts’, a little later, but I also first want to
mention that fringe does not have to mean broke. Prosperity is a good thing- it allows us to be even more generous, but it is the huge stockpiling of money and resources that I object to. A modest stockpile is okay and necessary. Anything above that is greed and hoarding, as I see it. Our personal prosperity can help both individuals and the masses, depending on how clever and resourceful we are.
It also important to be articulate and well read, especially on fringe issues. Good communication breeds tolerance and understanding and could make the difference in someone elses paradigm shift.
Empowerment through knowledge and self healing, can be achieved in every way, in this world of internet and global communications. You can learn to perform surgery via a youtube video, research world alternative cancer treatments at the click of a mouse, or chat live with an attorney on line about a legal problem. You can, and must, become your own doctor and lawyer, and learn to partner with professionals rather then ‘hire’ them to think for you. Because we all operate at warp speed in these times, we can actually do all this, and more. And once you embrace metaphysical healing for yourself, family, and pets, you will never go back to your old ways.
These are the things that I have incorporated in my life, that greatly enhance my health and happiness, knowledge and understanding:
- daily swishing with oil
- juicing
- honey and cinnamon twice daily
- cell salts- dumped into our drinking water
- vortexed drinking water
- 5 rites for balance and flexibility
- dowsing and potentizing for self and others
- Sai Sanjeevini mega remedy daily
- Sai Sanjeevini broadcast to world- constant
- use of radionics charts- as needed
- facebook animal rights petition posting and signing, daily
- blogging- my dissemination (if just one reads, then I affected the world)
- Rav Laitman Kabbalah Center- read an article or take a lesson
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