Great Questions

Sometimes I get redundant or lack luster questions and search terms, but here are some that I consider very relevant…

2bsa immunization waiver- I am thrilled to know that some moms out there are not vaccinating their kids. Here is a link to an very informative article I wrote on vaccinations, along with the exemption request form…

stwtrastrawberry tincture kills mrsa- This is new to me but not surprising, if true. Here are some of the natural and very effective ways to kill the MRSA virus that I have verified…

Madeleine’s Protocol

little bookheroin 3 day rule- Heroin is serious business. I have to respect those with the honesty to share the ‘discipline’ of being a chipper, not because I in any way agree, but because it is life-saving information that is not taught in any drug treatment programs I know of. The Little Book is controversial yet these chippers supposedly make up the bulk of these users so perhaps we should explore it, if for nothing else than perspective.

marioMario Martinez neropsychologist- a modern hero to me. He teaches the mind body code and dispels the myths of pop psychology. He has a CD collection that everyone can benefit from. Here is a video he has on youtube…



schradionic trends for healing schizophrenia- Now we’re talking. Michael Schofield are you listening? I am guessing any experiments being done are in the closet or at least under the radar. To entertain the notion that schizophrenia can be cured or controlled by a radionics device would mean making a pardigm shift and throwing out conventional psychiatry and pharmacology as we know it, and it would be very bad for business.

cell saltstissue salts for dry eyes- my best advise about tissue salts is to just take the 12 in combination, called Bioplasma. I am sure everyone can benefit from all of the 12, in some way but if you want to be specific, Sodium chloride and Silica are the tissues salts recommended for dry eyes.

pendulum1bach flowers for heroin withdrawal- I always think of Bach flowers more for mentals, and homeopathy for both mental and physical. For heroin withdrawals, try  sipping on Aconite water all day, try Nux Vomica, mega doses of vitamin C, Sai Sanjeevini prayer patterns, radionics tones or charts to clear noxious energy, and if you are so lucky to know a dowser/healer, ask them to draw the pain and toxins out of your body, via their pendulum.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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