Our Healing Table
I love to do work at my healing table. Here is where I make sleep squares, which are small pieces of paper cut into a square, and then charged with various Sai Sanjeevini patterns, and placed in the pillow case of the person you
are healing. I make sleep squares for the whole family, each a little different. You could certainly charge up a beverage and drink it before bed, but I prefer the sleep squares because they provide a constant delivery of the formula all night, as your head lay on the pillow.
Each sleep square I make begins with combination #1 and #60, as do all the Sanjeevinis I make. Then add #144 sleep and we have a basic sleep formula. In my husband’s formula, I add the patterns for asthma and the marital bliss combination, and in mine I add nose, throat, respiratory, and blockages to curb snoring. I start with a small amber bottle filled with sugar pellets, and label the bottle, say, “Madeleine Sleep”, then charge my sample bottle with the appropriate combinations or single patterns, that I have predetermined to use. The labeled samples are keep in a plastic sorter box that is divided into rows of bins, sorted numerically. Now that I have my samples made up, we can create a remedy at a moment’s notice- I make fresh sleep squares easily, every time I do laundry!
Our dining room table is our triage area, with notebooks full of healing patterns, dowsing patterns, decagons, and Sai Sanjeevini transfer/broadcasting charts. We also keep an array of homeopathic remedies on hand, organized alphabetically, several pendulums and crystals, amber bottles which I use for making Sanjeevini samples as well as for when I potentize a homeopathic remedy- all of which are often seen piled on to the table at one point or another. This is where I dowse, potentize, and use other energy charts. The healing table is also the gathering place for family dinners and holidays, and has always been. From Los Angeles, where I bought the table and chairs in about nineteen eighty something, to 2 different locations in Pittsburgh, back to Los Angeles again, it has served me well. Some of my happiest memories are of our family Passover Seders held every year, some bigger, some just the two of us, and always at our healing table.
Hi Madeleine,
Your site is a wealth of information, .. thank you. I am starting to use the Sai Sanjeevini vibrations/frequencies for me and my family.
Just curious, … have you ever tried using the SSS multiplication/broadcasting card to broadcast (at a distance) any “decagon” homeopathic remedies that you have created, … is this allowed? Otherwise, do you use any other method to broadcast created homeopathic remedies?
Hi Dan- thank you. I use the broadcasting chart for either SS healing remedies and combinations, or written prayers (say, to help flood victims or such. To broadcast homeopathic remedies we use 1. decagon 2. transmitter chart (find rate and broadcast it to the subject, which could be hair or a photo) 3. can use digital radionics software, or a ‘box’
you can get the rates from Sulis, the tramitter form dowsethis.com, or download a decagon from the internet. You must first charge the remedy name in salt water, and there is a process. most of the processes are in various blogs.
Thanks Madeleine. Regarding the process that you mention to charge the remedy name in salt water, etc.. Can you please provide me with links to the various blogs that outline this process?
I have looked around and am having some difficulty locating this information. I am very much interested in learning what you do, …. for the good of all. Whatever you can provide will be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
I sent you a private message via email, with the process