Helping Heroin Addicts

I belong to a few heroin support groups on Facebook, and read the posts, often commenting if I feel I have something valuable to offer, which is not always the case.

I have been following a man who has been trying to kick heroin and posts several times a day, for support, encouragement, and connection to recovery. I don’t know him from Adam, but respect his efforts and acknowledge the difficulty of the journey he is on.

Yesterday, he put up a post saying he drank a beer and smoked a joint, and wanted to know if it was considered a relapse. I said “A harm reductionist would say a beer and a joint is harm reduction. Continue to make choices that are less harmful than the ones you made before. Make it your rule- no heroin or opiates which are your downfalls, and continue with choices that have the least negative impact.” Some folks agreed, and others did not, but I applaud  the man for excluding opiates from his relaxation activities.

There is no ‘cure-all’ I know of, using allopathic, natural, or metaphysical means. Chronic and deep seated imbalances respond to slower deeper healing, and there are many things heroin addicts can do to curb the cravings, calm the crazy thoughts, and basically just cool down the fire;

gems1Choose a healing stone- Carry it with you in your pocket or slip in your pillowcase at night for a constant stream of the energy you are trying to receive. For a starter, let me introduce you to amethyst, the sober stone. You may chose your astrological stone, or read about the various qualities of different stones, and chose what is right for you.

sai6Sai Sanjeevini healing cards- This is a prayer based complete healing system, and absolutely free. They provide hundreds of healing cards of body parts, diseases, and conditions, including everything from schizophrenia, to addiction. Charge your morning coffee with your own personal mega remedy and let the healing begin. For anyone interested, I can guide you though creating the best mix for you.

homeopathyHomeopathy- Whatever condition it is you have, be it cancer or insanity, there is probably a homeopathic remedy for you. Working on the property of similars, homeopathy stimulates your own immune system to kick in and heal the body or mind. There are no side effects, no possibly of overdose, and it is very cheap. For the adventuresome, you can dowse for the right remedy, and then make it from scratch, absolutely free. For all others, consult a homeopathic doctor and let them do an intake to make a selection.


bachBach flower remedies- Dr.  Bach realized that plants have qualities too, and gathered the dew from various flowers and created remedies for an array of emotional disturbances. There are 38 formulas, and just by reading the curative properties of each, you will easily be able to chose a good match for you.


giving12Practice the art of giving and being grateful– These are 2 things that will always carry you through. We (my readers and me) do not live off the garbage heap, nor do we languish in prison or the hospital…we are fortunate!!! Talk to the next homeless person you see, and show him dignity. That is a beautiful way to give. Fold a dollar with a nice message written on it and leave it for a poor person to find (‘may health, wealth, and happiness find you’)…that is an anonymous way to give, which is the highest form of giving. The giving and being grateful boosts you to a higher place, and motivates you to keep on ‘keeping on’.

FYI- When in crisis mode, crisistry the Bach flower remedy called Rescue Remedy, or the homeopathic remedy called Ignatia (classic grief remedy) or Aconite (more for shock). You will be amazed how this stuff can take you from a 10 back to a 1, in just moments.

Your questions and comments are always welcome, or send me a private message at ‘contact us’.

One thought on “Helping Heroin Addicts

  1. The Pendulist

    Your support comes from readers who stick with recovering addicts in this forum, by posting their support, ideas, suggestions etc. Resources are the main things lacking.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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