Madeleine’s Hep C Protocol

I am very worried about an IV drug user in recovery, who had been exposed to Hep C, and is now experiencing symptoms. Folks, you can do your own research, but I do believe I have put together a very complete list of literally anything natural you can do to reduce the symptoms of Hep C . Of course we have the protocol for the dreaded MRSA virus, and we need one for Hep C too, as many IV drug users suffer from hep C, which can turn into cirrhosis, and shut down your liver and leave you on dialysis, or it could be fatal. I have written about it before, but am more than happy to outline it again for you.

First let me caution anyone who is Hep C positive and has athletes foot or other type of fungus (which is common in IV drug users) that oral anti-fungal medicines are not recommended if you have liver problems.  Itraconazole (Sporanox) is not recommended if you have a history of heart failure, and do not use Griseofulvin if you have lupus or are allergic to penicillin. and it goes without saying that the drinking of alcohol is very hard on the liver and should be avoided.

Now let’s get down to what is safe to use, and what really works.  Remember they all work hand and hand together.

The following herbs are on every list I find, to aid in liver cleansing and liver health, with the first on the list being the #1 included in all liver herbal formulas;

milk thistle



St John’s wart





There are many herbal liver combinations or you may use them singly, according to what symptoms you have.  For a more detailed explanation of what each herb does, you can find it in one of my former blogs

Castor Oil increases circulation, improves lymphatic flow and increases lymphocyte production and activity. A castor oil pack over the liver is effective for reducing inflammation and for relief of pain.

Wild oil of oregano has been very used very successfully for the Norwalk virus, bronchitis, abscesses, infections in general, and also for reducing Hep C symptoms.

The homeopathic combination Viral Plus contains, amongst others, belladona and arcenicum, and is known to reduce the Hep C symptoms, while cleansing the liver. You can find it on the internet.

There is a Sai Sanjeevini pattern for Hepatitis which should be combined with other patterns to be taken live, or broadcasted. Download free at

ivI recommend several thousand units of vitamin C every day as well as taking the B series.   Robert F. Cathcart, M.D. Said “Intravenous infusion of vitamin C when administered immediately in sufficient quantity cures the entire hepatitis alphabet, A-E

I would not be through and complete  if I did not mention TJ108 the Japanese Kampo medicine formula- good luck finding it, or the newest natural cure-all MMS ( which boasts curing hepatitis amongst scads of other conditions…hmmmmm I think I have just the person to try this on, but cannot testify about it’s successes, yet, and note, it is not FDA approved.

And here are many homeopathic choices, copied directly from                       http://.www., an excellent source of finding remedies and education in general.  You may choose the remedy that best fits your particular circumstances and symptoms, working together with herbs, energy healing  patterns, and vitamins.

Chelidonium – is one of our greatest liver remedies.  It acts on portal system, right side of the abdomen and right lower lung. Acts very well over the cases of Hepatitis C. it covers many of the direct reflex symptoms of the diseased condition of liver. It manifests the congestion inflammation, fullness and enlargement in semi-chronic and acute cases. The keynote of the remedy is tearing, shooting, stitching pains from the liver region traveling to the back below the right shoulder blade. Hot drinks and hot milk relieves.

Brynoia – excellent remedy for inflammation of the liver, the right lobe of the liver is mostly affected and feels like a load in the hypochondrium. Every slightest movement hurts, with burning and stitching pains and nausea.

Podophyllum – remarkable remedy for Hepatitis C. there is congestion and enlargement of the liver with great irritability of the liver, slight rubbing of the liver helps, the discomfort is aggravated by slightest thought or smell of food.

Carduus mar – remedy for Hepatitis C cases where there is feeling of enlarged liver, pressure feeling worse by lying on the left side, left liver is full and engorged and sensitive. Concomitant symptoms here are haemoptysis due to congestion of the liver and lungs.

Ptelea trifoliate – aching in the liver aggravated by lying on the left side, voracious or poor appetite. Develops a repugnance to animal food, rich puddings, of which he is very fond of, butter and fats aggravate his hepatic symptoms.

Lycopodium – has sore pain in the right hypochondrium which is aggravated by touch. Intense flatulence by 4 p.m as if everything that he takes turns in to gas or wind, better by warm drinks.

Phosphorous – remarkable medicine for hepatitis C cases has hyperaemia and enlargement of liver. Craves cold food and drink, ice cream and wine, has bed effects of excessive intake of salt. As soon as the cold water becomes hot in the stomach he vomits. Phosphorous is useful when there is suppuration in the Hepatitis, Hectic fever, night sweats and marked soreness over the liver.

Arsenic – which is acute of phosphorous has burning thirst and drinks bit by bit, but warm water. This burning of arsenic is better by warm application. There is typical; arsenic anxiety and restless.

Nux Vom – has constrictive pains in the region of the liver, the liver is swollen, indurated and sensitive with pressure. Aversion to meat, tobacco and coffee, ale etc, the patient is chilly and irritable.

Myrica Cerifera – it has marked action on the liver with Hepatitis C infection. Distinctive features are pain in the liver, fullness, dull heavy headache, worse in the morning, weakness with ash colored stools, slow pulse and pain under the scapula, jaundice of all degrees. Low potency found to be working better.

Cornus Circinata – has caused liver derangements, with aching eyeballs, disturbed sleep, weakness in the morning, pain in the pit of the stomach, with distended abdomen. Dark foul stools, burning in anus, vesicular eruption on the face.

Select the homeopathic remedy that most fits your symptoms, but do your homework regarding dose and frequency, or you can easily dowse for those answers. Take your vitamin C and B, herbal complex, and Sai Sanjeevini combo daily, as well as a few drops of oregano oil in some juice. Speaking of juice, juicing is an excellent way to detox your liver!! Clearly, there is no shortage of natural things when trying to overcome Hepatitis.

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