Honey For Canine Seizures

brandiCanine seizures can result from many things, such as worm infestation, low blood sugar, vaccinations, kidney failure, head trauma, or brain tumors. Brandi, our 13 year old Rottie/Husky mix, had a seizure yesterday, from out of no where, it seemed. Seizures can be identified by stiffness, loss of consciousness, shaking or twitching, or vomiting. It was frightening, and I had no clue as to what to do. I seriously thought we might loose her, but my fast thinking husband grabbed the honey and spooned some down her throat, bringing her immediately to consciousness.

I believe Brandi’s was a hypoglycemic attack, as it was so readily halted by the honey. The honey raises the blood sugar thus stabilizing the dog. Note, maple syrup can be used, as well.

pen3After dowsing to see what homeopathic remedy would most benefit Brandi’s seizure condition, Jimmie was shown Adrenaline. With none on hand,and no radionic tone for it, he potentized the remedy using a crystal glass, salt water, and a decagon, and will be giving it to Brandi for 21 days.

So far so good. She had a bath and will be vacuumed and brushed a little later, which she absolutely adores. No signs of weakness or glassy eyes.

Smaller and more frequent feedings and snacks are recommended for dogs with low blood sugar. Here is a list of healthy snacks you can give your dog during the day, to keep his blood sugar levels in balance;

  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Bran crackers          dog2
  • Rice cakes
  • Peaches
  • Hard Boiled eggs
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Cottage cheese
  • Plain yogurt
  • Homemade meatballs
  • Chicken






3 thoughts on “Honey For Canine Seizures

  1. erica jayne porter
    erica jayne porter says:

    My 16 year old dog has been having sezures. Vet said not putting him in medication as it may cause kidney problems at basil’s age. Heard about honey and how it can help this problem. Hopefully it will fingers crossed.

    1. The Pendulist

      we gave our doga a dab of honey when she had a seizure, and it brought her out of it. I do not know of what to use as a preventative though

  2. glenda forbes
    glenda forbes says:

    Hi Erica have the same problem with my dog he is elderly like yours. I am going to give my dog a teaspoon of honey each day for sezures. This article is interesting. Some days my dog has no then another day quite a few. They only last seconds. I hope the honey helps my dog Rufus as I don’t like to see him in distress.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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