January In October

jniI want to give you a progress report on the most popular subjects I blog about— Jani (short for January) and Bodhi Schofield. The world is fascinated with these siblings, as she is one of the youngest schizophrenic kids on record, and he is autistic, and may also be schizophrenic as well. In order to get professional help from U.C.L.A. psych hospital for Jani in about 2009,when her meltdowns where off the charts, the parents were forced to allow police to 5150 her. Later, she recovered enough to come home, and the family chose to dwell in 2 separate apartments in the same building, to keep Bodhi safe from Jani in her more violent days, but since 2011, they are all reunited and living together. Jani is clearly more stable now, largely due to a cocktail of drugs that include Clozapine and Thorazine. At this age, Jani can tell her parents when the need for more medication is on the table. If she starts to punch or kick, she might say ‘I’m psychotic, I need an extra Thorazine’. ”


It is an unimaginable road that Michael and Susan Schofield walk, but I myself have taken one less traveled, with my own daughter, and can surely understand, if anyone can.


sai schioSchofields, there is a Sai Sanjeevini healing pattern for schizophrenia and one for autism, to be used with combinations #1 and #60 (which are the bases of all Sai sanjeevini prayer patterns) and any and all other patterns you think might relate to the condition you are trying to cure. I urge you to download the system, take a quick tutorial, and get started making a remedy sample and charging up the fruit punch or chocolate milk you serve your kids. If you are looking for a quick fix, forget about it, but is you are willing to give this a try, you may see things change over time with your children including them perhaps needing less and less of the heavy meds they take. The system is completely free, easy and very fast to use and get started. And no side effects.


If only you did this one thing, dayanu, but if you also consulted a professional homeopathic doctor, this would further be a blessing for your children, as homeopathy has been proven to be a life changer for both autistic and schizophrenics individuals alike.  Check out Dr. Dana Ullman’s work.  He and his wife Judyth are world renown and respected doctors who practice homeopathy. Further, the Bach flower essences Chestnut Bud, Aspen, Cerato, Heather, and Chicory have been known to help schizophrenia, and Clematis, Madia, Violet, Snapdragon, and Impatiens have been able to help with a many of the negative behaviors that go with autism. There is also a balm made just for those with autism for odor sensitivities and to help tone down overwhelming perceptions, and Niacin, Ginkgo Biloka and Black Bean Wu are all known to help with schizophrenia.This is all easy to research and verify, or I would be happy to provide you with links if you ask.

You are passionate, intelligent, and dedicated parents and I think you may be ready to make the paradigm shift. I will help you…call me   phone1         

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The Pendulist

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