What Is Medical Hexing?
Why did Angelina Jolie get a double mastectomy? ‘Medical hexing,’ says Dr. Lissa Rankin, who presented her own theory- the amazing power of the placebo effect in healing the body. Conversely, she introduces the idea of a nocebo effect and it’s potential ability to derail our natural self-healing mechanisms that kill cancer cells, fight infections, repair broken proteins, and also influence our genes. Dr. Mario Martinez who put together the ‘mind body code’ concept, also talks about medical hexing. He says we co-author the script of our cultural editors, shaping our beliefs about illness. If the doctor’s words are positive, they can plant within you, at a very deep level, positive expectations that you will avert or beat cancer, But this works in reverse as well. A doctor could literally sentence you to death by using the dreaded word ‘terminal’. Angelina bought into the idea that because her mom had breast cancer that she would surely get it. She was so convinced, that she had a double mastectomy, buying into the bizarre notion that removing her breasts would some how prevent future cancer ( like it couldn’t crop up in her lungs, liver, or in her blood). This poor woman, with all her fame and money and access to the greatest healers in the world, chose the most brutal, final, solution to her breasts, but what the heck this did to prevent cancer, I surely do not understand.
If I were concerned that I was predisposed to cancer, I would be juicing heavily (much more than I already do), probably for the rest of my life. Juicing has been known to prevent and cure cancer and it is recommended that you eat at least 1/3 of your food raw. I would also be taking
turmeric extract and plenty of vitamin D. Nutrition is now an integral part of cancer prevention. But this is not meant to be an article about cancer prevention- it is more about making wise, sensible health choices, which I do believe Angelina did not.
The pendulum is a powerful tool for discovering answers. You may dowse to find out;
Will a double mastectomy benefit my health and well being? No
Is there a homeopathic remedy that will help balance my body to prevent cancer? Yes
Using Ruggerio’s list of 151 remedies, show me the number of the remedy that will best prevent cancer? 16.
Are you showing me remedy number 16? Yes. and so forth
You can further dowse for dose, frequency, and duration, and confirm what you are shown. If Angelina does not dowse, I bet she could find an expert to help her, and I am very surprised a worldly woman like her, especially with her quirkiness, who could have the best of everything, including healers, did not go a completely natural approach. Gotta wonder.
Dr. Mario Martinez tells a great story about medical hexing; A man was very ill and went into the hospital for tests. The doctor found that the man was terminal and sent the priest in to give him his last rites. The man died 15 minutes later. But oops, the priest accidentally gave the last rites to the wrong man. The real terminally ill patient lived on for 3 days. The power of the word is mighty.