Myths About Harm Reduction

Based on the statements and questions I get, there still seems to be some harmconfusion about harm reduction. Let me clarify a few things.

First, whoever thinks they can practice harm reduction while living in a rehab residential program or sober living, is just wrong. Sober living is specifically a time for abstinence. Perhaps you are court ordered to sober living, or need to log more clean time in a structured setting, but for whatever reason, I do NOT recommend trying to ‘use’  less harmfully, while in sober living- the consequences are too grave and you will more than likely end up homeless or living somewhere you don’t want to be or maybe in jail. Back to ‘start’ again- lost respect and lost ground, or maybe worse. Residential programs and sober living homes are designed for people who want sobriety. If you are living soberly, yet wish to practice harm reduction and still ‘use’, then you are at the wrong place! Be honest with yourself.

universal healingSome folks struggle more than others, regardless of what philosophy they follow. There is a world of healing energy out there, for all to use and benefit from, and for those who desire change in mind and body. For anyone who suffers from heroin addiction, I have told you this before and will tell you this again, look into some of this, PLEASE…it is but a drop in the bucket of what is available to you;

Homeopathic remedies– you can either dowse for the best homeopathicpick (picks) or choose from the characteristics of the following-
Lac humanum– made from the milk of 9 women, it is a nurture remedy and almost all addicts can benefit from it, but like any other remedy, you must determine dose and frequency.
Nux vomica and Avena sativa while detoxing.
Tabacum for cravings of all kinds.

prayDaily prayer or Kaballah study– thinking about God puts you in another state and also compels you to check your behavior.

pendulum1Metaphysical training– dowsing, energy signature patterns, sacred geometry- learn to solicit and respect the universe.

officeWork– work is therapy, accountability, gratification, money at the end of the day, and a time filler for those of you who have far too much idle time on hand.

Pick up some healthy new habits- like juicing, jogging, biking, vegetarianjuicing cooking, gardening. You will find yourself in a new environment around folks who do these things, engaging in new dialogues.


Gratitude sharing– focus on the gifts of life and gain a sense of well being.


gemsWear your gemstone– if you are a Capricorn like me, wear garnets or emeralds, or just keep some small loose stones in your purse or pocket. Gemstones focus and amplify the body’s innate energies to uplift our health. Of course you can always dowse to see what gemstone will benefit you, or check your astrology chart, which will give you your birth stone.
ohnever announce to a group that you are an addict- as you say you are, is as you will be.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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