Oil Pulling- Rave Reviews

oil pulling2I have just been reading article after article about oil pulling or swishing, all with rave reviews.  This is a miraculous fix for everything from dental caries to cancer, and some say those who practice oil pulling can live to be 150 years old (if you’re into a lot of aging!).    READ…




Because of inherently deep pockets in my gums, lack of diligence in tooth care in earlier days, and lots of bad dentistry over the years, I have taken to oil pulling. One of the articles I read indicated the mouth was an example of your body, and if you had an unhealthy mouth, you’re in trouble. I have only been doing this practice consistently for about a year or more, but I can tell you I have had considerable benefit, and can only imagine what the longer, long term effects will be. Looking back on the year term, my teeth are whiter, gums whiter, and jaw pain lessened.  Cold pressed coconut oil is widely used, but my personal favorite is sesame oil.  For some reason I feel like it pulls the toxins better.

Here is some further testimony…

Results of an Oil pulling Survey by a newspaper in India:
In 1996, after continuous publication of a regular column for three years in their Sunday edition on OP, Andhra Jyoti, a Telugu daily newspaper conducted a survey to find out the types of diseases cured and the effectiveness of OP. Out of a total of 1041 respondents, 927 (89%) reported cure of one or more diseases. People who did not report any cure were 114 (11%).  The analysis indicated cure of the following types of chronic diseases:

• Pains in the body and problems pertaining to neck and above- 758 cases
• Allergy and respiratory problems of lungs like asthma, bronchitis etc- 191 cases
• Skin problems like pigmentation, itching, scars, black patches, and eczema etc -171 cases
• Digestive system-155 cases
• Constipation- 110 cases
• Arthritis and joint pains- 91 cases
• Heart disease and B.P- 74 cases
• Diabetes- 56 cases
• Piles- 27 cases
• Diseases pertaining to female reproductive system reported by women- 21 cases
• Diseases like Polio, Cancer, Leprosy, polycystic kidney, neural fibroma, paralysis etc -72

No question about it, oil pulling is becoming as much a part of my routine as my morning coffee…

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The Pendulist

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