Pandemic Blues

The pandemic has, amongst many other things, changed the landscape of socializing as we know it.  Stay-at-home orders and safety concerns have left many of us homebound for months. Some do just fine with the isolation (some may even have welcomed it), but others are all but melting down, siting ‘the need for human contact’ as a driving force of discontentment. Much like the addict, people may find themselves using risky behavior (to get that human contact), despite the negative or potentially negative consequences. Is it acceptable to push the boundaries of safety for the isolated soles who cannot stand not it anymore? I wonder if they are even aware…

Aside from re-inventing ourselves with new outlets and activities- all of which you have probably heard of or thought about yourselves, here are some totally natural remedies to address some of the common conditions you may be suffering from, such as sleeplessness, anxiety, loneliness, and a few remedies for cravings, for those suffering from addiction;

Arcenicum album (homeopathic)-needed for people who have restless sleep with fearful dreams about robbers, thieves, or stealing.

Coffee cruda (homeopathic)- helps you sleep when overwhelmed with worries and overactive thoughts

White Chestnut (Bach Flower) use to reduce repeated unwanted thoughts or worries

Aconite (homeopathic)- this remedy can relieve intense and sudden anxiety, panic, and fear

Argentinum Nit (homeopathic)- helps to reduce anxiety due to uncertainty

Heather (Bach Flower) for people who do not like to be alone

Avena sativa– for heroin cravings (homeopathic or tincture)

Tobaccum (homeopathic)- for craving tobacco products

Not sure which remedy to use? You may dowse for the remedy that will most benefit the condition you are trying to improve.

Your comments and opinions are most welcome.

3 thoughts on “Pandemic Blues

  1. IM

    Please don’t forget about Aurum Metalicum and Ignatia for depression & anxiety. Thank you so much for all your info! I’m new to dowsing and have no idea how to do it for over 8,000 homeopathic remedies and cannot find a numbered list. Should I number the list from sulis instruments? Any other suggestions?

    1. The Pendulist
      The Pendulist says:

      I use Rugerrios list of 252 remedies but sure, you can use Sulis and number the list- then dowse for the number that will most benefit you.. aurum and ignatia are staples of course

  2. IM

    Cannot find Rugerrios…

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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