The Health Paradigm Shift

It amazes me that so many so-called ‘advanced’ people can’t grasp the simple idea of homeopathy and think outside the propaganda box. Despite education and sophistication, the typical urbanite doesn’t question what he’s been taught and is not inclined toward independent thought or action. Students of history will tell you that civilization has only advanced because of a handful of rebellious, creative, self actualized people such as Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, C.V. Raman, Da Vinci, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Vyasa, Premchand, Socrates, Gandhi, and Hahnemann.

Parents, schools, government leaders, religions and now corporations, dictate
how people should think and behave. Few children escape this indoctrination and most have had their curiosity, rebelliousness and creative spirits suppressed long before adulthood. A few people escape and light the way for the rest, but most of us are sheep following the dictation of the ‘good old boys’ (the exculsive club of upper class white males who dominate the financial arena, medicine, law, and politics, and are driven by greed). Hahnemann was one of the most creative and revolutionary spirits who ever lived. His ideas challenged our view of living things, illness, healing and even matter and energy. A lifelong foe of ignorance and suffering, he helped heal people so they could regain health by getting at the root causes- not through the suppression of symptoms or by prescribing highly toxic pharmaceuticals.

Hahnemann opened my eyes and pushed me toward the paradigm shift, and
after homeopathy came the decagon, potentizing, dowsing, radionics, and Sai Sanjeevini patterns. Although I am far from being a Newton or Tesla, I remain ever the rebel- with a cause.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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