Suffering From Treatment Burnout?

burnoutThe condition called treatment burnout can occur when an addict frequents the revolving door of rehab for years on end. If that person has been in this for at least 5 years, they know what I’m talking about… processing groups, step work (the same 12 over and over), urine tests, psych evaluations, getting kicked out, getting admitted, one-on-ones with an addiction counselor. They know the drill . They can usually say with complete truth, “Been there, done that.”

My daughter was a  victim of treatment burnout, and when she was reaching for answers and understanding my husband so astutely summarized it by saying to her, when she complained about that very thing, “You do not have a system to use, to help you understand yourself.” I realized that was the heart of the matter.

There are many systems, not taught at any rehab I have ever heard of, that can teach you about yourself. One is astrology and another is tarot. Until you study these systems you cannot image the value that understanding and using them can bring. Both systems shed light, which is what we need to go to a higher mental/spiritual plane. Kabbalah is another system that when studied, helps you to know yourself, the lower worlds and the upper worlds, bring existence into perspective. Dr. Mario Martinez has a system called the mind body code which I recommend for everyone.

Madeleine’s self help list for addicts seeking solutions;

  • Hook up with a sponsor or friend who you can call at a weak moment, and BTW, don’t wait until after you slip, to make the call.
  • Homeopathic remedies (OTC) such as Avena sativa and Nux vomica can help with cravings, or try combinations such as ‘Calms’, made by Hylands, and can be bought in any health food store to reduce anxiety naturally.
  • Use Bach flower remedies and Sai Sanjeevini addiction patterns daily, to curb cravings and promote ‘right conduct’. Match your symptoms up with the Bach flower remedy that most suits you, and chose the Sai Sanjeevini cards that fit your needs (hundreds to pick from).
  • Give of yourself. A fast way to feel a purpose.                                   study1
  • Study a system that will allow you to get to know yourself.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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