The Torn Meniscus That Won’t Heal

Susie is of the mind that “nobody knows what to do about my knee”, as if it is a mystery condition, or there is something strange or abnormal. But it is very clear cut and here are the facts:

• 4 years ago Susie wrenched her knee, and it’s never been the same since
• she is 67 years old, and solid as a rock from years of constant activity
• besides the injury, she has arthritis and her knee is bone-to-bone, without fluid or cartilage
• she has pain when she steps down, or goes down stairs, or does anything weight bearing
• she say cycling makes her feel good
• we know of no condition or germ that may have caused this and assume it is a combination of the injury and wear and tear (from age and activity)

I had high hopes that the ferrum phos and rus tox, along with paper doctor remedies, and the Sai Sanjeevini combo I am broadcasting to her, would take her pain down to a 2 and keep it there until it went away all together. I have a sneaky suspicion my sister’s activity level is much higher than she is admitting to, and I told her that if she keeps tearing down what we are building up, she will never heal. Stubborn as a rock and just won’t stop.  I confirmed this by dowsing using the hormesis curve chart, which told me her exercise/activity level is severely detrimental to her knee- thought so.  I do believe Susie is getting in the way of herself, making it impossible for any of the progress to stick and sustain, and I may be the only one confronting her. After a disappointing conversation with her today, measuring pain at a 4 or 5, I suggested she reflect on the possibility that she may have to reduce her activity level further but got the feeling it fell upon deaf ears. We shall see.

9 thoughts on “The Torn Meniscus That Won’t Heal

  1. butchjax

    Is she taking supplements? I know you want this other stuff to work, but it can’t do much if she doesn’t have the basic building blocks her body needs to create a healthy knee. We know quite a bit about what goes into healthy knees now. At our house we use a product from Melaleuca called Replenex extra strength. It includes:
    Glucosamine HCl—a natural ingredient that has been shown to help rebuild cartilage in its most soluble form*
    Chondroitin—structural component of cartilage that provides resistance to compression*
    MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)—an important building block of connective tissue that helps keep joints strong*
    Manganese & vitamin C—essential nutrients that help promote the formation of new cartilage*
    Patent-pending A.I. blend—natural ingredients that soothe and comfort joints*

    I’m only 33, but I was having pain in my knees that felt like it was due to lack of cushion. I started taking this and the pain improved significantly. My wife recently tore her meniscus and is taking this now along with other supplements for her chronic pain. It hasn’t been long enough to know exactly how well it will work, but she does see improvement.

    1. thependulist

      Thanks- your supplements sound good and I will definitely pass on the info to my sister. the correct homeopathic and cell salt remedy should also stimulate production of fluids and cartilage. After considering everything, she should be healing but is not, and I do believe she has an addiction to exercise (to some degree, at least) hampering any progress she may make. Thanks for reading!!!!!

      1. butchjax

        While the body can produce a lot, if it simply doesn’t have the minerals and such that it needs to build cartilage and such, it can’t work well. So if you do both together she should heal very quickly. She may be more receptive to pills as well, which will reduce any resistance she has to other methods of healing. 😉 Good luck!

        1. thependulist

          You are right again! For minerals, you can find the 72 trace minerals in some nice coral/calcium supplements.

  2. butchjax

    Is she taking supplements? I know you want this other stuff to work, but it can’t do much if she doesn’t have the basic building blocks her body needs to create a healthy knee. We know quite a bit about what goes into healthy knees now. At our house we use a product from Melaleuca called Replenex extra strength. It includes:
    Glucosamine HCl—a natural ingredient that has been shown to help rebuild cartilage in its most soluble form*
    Chondroitin—structural component of cartilage that provides resistance to compression*
    MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)—an important building block of connective tissue that helps keep joints strong*
    Manganese & vitamin C—essential nutrients that help promote the formation of new cartilage*
    Patent-pending A.I. blend—natural ingredients that soothe and comfort joints*

    I’m only 33, but I was having pain in my knees that felt like it was due to lack of cushion. I started taking this and the pain improved significantly. My wife recently tore her meniscus and is taking this now along with other supplements for her chronic pain. It hasn’t been long enough to know exactly how well it will work, but she does see improvement.

    1. thependulist

      Thanks- your supplements sound good and I will definitely pass on the info to my sister. the correct homeopathic and cell salt remedy should also stimulate production of fluids and cartilage. After considering everything, she should be healing but is not, and I do believe she has an addiction to exercise (to some degree, at least) hampering any progress she may make. Thanks for reading!!!!!

      1. butchjax

        While the body can produce a lot, if it simply doesn’t have the minerals and such that it needs to build cartilage and such, it can’t work well. So if you do both together she should heal very quickly. She may be more receptive to pills as well, which will reduce any resistance she has to other methods of healing. 😉 Good luck!

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The Pendulist

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