Not Tonight Brandi

brandiOur faithful oldest canine Brandi is now pushing 16 years, and has been a subject of many healings over the years. She has slowed down so much since we moved from Hollywood 3 years ago and has a bit of dementia along with her weak hind quarters and heavy panting.  Still, she loves her morning walk, though slow, and follows me around from room to room for a good part of the day.

Difficulty raising, especially on the slippery floor, has been one of Brandi’s challenges lately, and sometimes requires someone to help her get up, as in what happened a few nights ago. She exhausted herself trying to get up and started with her heavy panting.  My daughter got her to a standing position but something was clearly wrong-  her front legs and chest were wobbly and she could barely hobble a few feet and flopped into one of the dog beds. She began to vomit. Her eyes were moving rapidly side to side and would not stop. With everything she had she tried to get up, unsuccessfully.

Now I’m panicking inside, afraid Brandi’s end was here, and lined up a house call vet for possible euthanasia assistance, depending on how the night went, with my husband (who I consider the senior healer of the family) on the way home to help me figure out our next move.

Jimmie arrives home and races for his pendulum-  dowses for a remedy for Brandi. Fragaria Vesca is selected, which is from the strawberry plant and known to loosen tarter on teeth, which Brandi certainly needs. In the pendulum1meantime he gave a dose of Bryonia.  Jimmie set to potentize the Frag Vesca which would take a few hours.  I was able to find the Sulis rate for it (6717) and using an excellent transmitting chart from and within minutes was sending her the remedy at the 1M dose.

As Jimmie and I went into remedy making gear, Brandi lay motionless on the floor. Within 10 minutes or so we came back in to check Brandi.  Eyes were still- the darting has ceased. We let her rest, marveling at the obvious neurological improvement. Suddenly, Brandi got up on her own, walked outside, and went to the bathroom. She was a little wobbly, but she made it.  This was one of several trips to either the water bowl or to go to the bathroom that night and Brandi was starting to look as good as new.

The next morning the live dose of Frag Vesca was ready, and we kept Brandi on that, and Bryonia several times a day, for several days and find Brandi now completely 100% back to where she was before this episode, and maybe better! A spot-on example of total natural healing-  first dowsing to select the correct remedy, realizing the remedy using a crystal glass, salt water, and a decagon, and even transmitting it using a numerical rate, and a witness placed on a transmitting chart. No prescription medications, no visits to the vet or doggie ER, on invasive tests or surgeries. Just pure metaphysical healing. A little know-how, and the energy of the universe, can go along way.

1 week later, I was reading  that heavily tartered teeth can cause the very debilitating conditions that Brandi has. Now we know why the pendulum chose Frag vesca! And much respect to my adorable house-call groomer Amy, who helped me with emergency resources, and was there for me every minute.

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The Pendulist

The Pendulist

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